After fifteen years of operation, after much thought and deliberation, we have decided to shut down, effective 1-1-25. We thank all those who used our web site, and especially those who advertised with us. It was a pleasure to help promote over 3000 Michigan Events & Attractions, we enjoyed providing this information.
For questions or comments email
Welcome to the only prison exhibit that's within the walls of an operating penitentiary. Cell Block 7 is not just a replica or a likeness; it's a real prison, where thousands of convicts have done hard time. You'll inhabit the same cells, walk the same corridors, pass by the same gun towers as some of the most hardened criminals in Michigan's history. The difference is, when you're ready, you can just walk out the door.
Title | Date | Location | |
Michigan Shakespeare Festival (postponed for 2024) | July 18, 2025 | Baughman Theatre |