After fifteen years of operation, after much thought and deliberation, we have decided to shut down, effective 1-1-25. We thank all those who used our web site, and especially those who advertised with us. It was a pleasure to help promote over 3000 Michigan Events & Attractions, we enjoyed providing this information.
For questions or comments email
REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR THE 51st GLR FOWLERVILLE SWAP MEET! Cars & parts, literature, tools, arts & crafts, antiques and household/furniture. Clean out that garage/barn! Over 300 spaces available (subject to ground conditions, we reserve the right to move your space if wet conditions require). Camping available onsite (reserve your spot directly with fairgrounds). Breakfast & lunch are available onsite. Early registration runs through MAY 2 for $30 per 15'x30' outside space. Registrations received on May 3 or 4 and at gate are $40 per space. Car sale corral $20 per car. General admission is only $5 and FREE PARKING. No vendor admission on Friday, May 3 until 4pm. Set-up Saturday morning 7am. General public gate opens at 8am. Sorry, no dogs except service animals. Vendors and attendees are responsible for any damage to fairgrounds property or grass. For questions, call Doug at 419-769-1890, Wilma at 419-212-2195 or John at 419-350-3666. For a registration form, email us at to have a PDF emailed or mailed to you. You can also register using a credit card via PayPal at our website - |