After fifteen years of operation, after much thought and deliberation, we have decided to shut down, effective 1-1-25. We thank all those who used our web site, and especially those who advertised with us. It was a pleasure to help promote over 3000 Michigan Events & Attractions, we enjoyed providing this information.
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Clarkston High School Fall Art & Craft Show | October 19 & 20, 2024
Saturday 10am–4 pm
Sunday 11am-4pm
6093 Flemings Lake Road, off Clarkston Road | Clarkston, Michigan
Our large October show will have 170 spaces. It will showcase the largest variety in displays of Autumn, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and all occasion. Clarkston Athletics benefit from proceeds from this show. 170 booths to shop. We have a large following of local shoppers and those from all parts of Michigan. The school is easy to reach from I-75. Lots of parking. Clarkston is a nice area to visit, downtown is quaint! Don’t wait to sign up. Booths fill fast.
You may fill out your application by clicking below.
Exhibitor Info
Friday to be announced
Sat. 7-9:45am
Show Time
Saturday 10 am – 4 pm
Sunday 11am - 4pm
Exhibit Space
10’ x 10’ Indoor Space = $175.00
10' x 10' Outdoor Space = $150.00
8′ Table = Extra $15.00 per table
Electric = $25.00
Keepsake Collection
Leslie Needham
111 Surrey Road
St. Louis, MI 48880
Phone: 989.620.4085
Fax: 866.857.3744