After fifteen years of operation, after much thought and deliberation, we have decided to shut down, effective 1-1-25. We thank all those who used our web site, and especially those who advertised with us. It was a pleasure to help promote over 3000 Michigan Events & Attractions, we enjoyed providing this information.
For questions or comments email
It's Lake Fest 2024, June 21-23, in downtown Belleville. Most events happen at the corner of Main & 3rd Street. Check our website for location specifics.
Friday Events
Pub Crawl
Move on Main at dusk
Food Trucks
Saturday Events
Market on Main 10am-7pm
Live Music 11am-9pm
Kids Zone11am-7pm
Hydroplane Rides
Cornhole Tournament
Fireworks at dusk, location is Beck Ball Fields
Sunday Events
Market on Main 11am-5pm
Food Trucks 11am-5pm
Kids Zone 11am-5pm
Live Music 11am-5pm
Bob Castino Car Show 12noon-3pm
CALLING ALL VENDORS, ARTISANS, CRAFTERS AND NON-PROFITS!! The MARKET ON MAIN will take place Saturday and Sunday of Lake Fest weekend! Interested in becoming a vendor or know someone who is, visit us at for more info!
(734) 697-7151