After fifteen years of operation, after much thought and deliberation, we have decided to shut down, effective 1-1-25. We thank all those who used our web site, and especially those who advertised with us. It was a pleasure to help promote over 3000 Michigan Events & Attractions, we enjoyed providing this information.
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Lakeview Summerfest is a 3-day festival June 13th - 15th, 2024, and this family fun event has something for everyone. Please note there are multiple venues for this festival, though the vast majority of activities will take place in downtown Lakeview and in Lakeview Park. Below is a highlight of our activities, please go to our web site for the full slate.
On Thursday, the Carnival downtown opens at 12noon, and the high flying Ultimate Air Dogs at Lakeside Park takes place at 3pm, 5pm, and again at 7pm. The Beer Tent on Lincoln Avenue is open 5pm until midnight on Thursday.
On Friday its the Craft Vendor Fair from 10am until 5pm in downtown Lakeview. The Carnvial downtown opens at 12noon, and the Ultimate Air Dogs at Lakeside Park runs at 3pm, 5pm, and 7pm. The beer tent on Lincoln Avenue is open 3pm until midnight, and the Firemans Parade starts at dusk.
Saturday activities include the Craft Vendor Fair from 10am until 5pm, Lions Club Chicken Dinner starting at 11am until gone, teh Ultimate Air Dogs at 11am, 1pm, 3pm and 4pm. Also on Saturday the Carnival opens at 12noon, Parade on Lincoln Avenue starting at 2pm, Car Show 3pm-7pm, and Magic Fireworks Display launched over Tamarack Lake at dusk Saturday night.
Lakeview Festivals
(616) 835-6748